Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts

Saturday 4 August 2012

Foolproof Blueberry Cobbler

Baking can get a bad rap. There's all that measuring, mixing, and molding, not to mention the mess and mess-ups. Enter this foolproof cobbler, which entreats you to tear up your dough and simply drop it over blueberries. 'Cause when the going gets tough, gravity helps.

Thursday 2 August 2012

Less-Mess Eggplant Parmesan

Frying slices of eggplant for Eggplant Parmesan can be time consuming and messy. In this recipe we bake all the classic flavors into the eggplant itself for a cleaner approach.

Thursday 26 July 2012

Every Taco Recipe You'll Ever Need

Everyone loves a taco, but not everyone loves the same kind. That's the beauty of the signature dish hailing from Mexico; just a few staple ingredients are needed and the rest is up to the imagination, making the taco one of the most versatile and flexible dishes out there. Hard or soft shell, cheese or sour cream, lettuce or no lettuce - no matter what one likes and dislikes, there's room for that in a taco, and today The Daily Meal has a collection that covers all of the bases.

4 Secrets to the Best Homemade Ice Cream

I love making ice cream at home, but have to say it's been a real wake-up call. Somehow mixing egg yolks with more heavy cream than I would ever fathom using in any other circumstance makes me acutely aware of how much fat and calories are in each tasty bite.

Sunday 22 July 2012

Cocktail of the Week: Lemon Lavender Fizz

When I think about lavender, rarely does it come up as anything more than a simple, pretty flower with a relaxing scent and therapeutic qualities. It's perfect for a luxurious bubble bath, and a beautiful pop of purple color to any garden. But this shrub's tendency to be grouped together with the other soap scents does a disservice to its culinary strength: a relative of the mint family that's not uncommon in Provençal cookery, lavender deserves a permanent place in your pantry.

Wednesday 18 July 2012

The Easiest Tomato Sauce Recipe

That's all you need to make what is the best and easiest tomato sauce out there. The full, true tomato flavor is a revelation in itself as is finding out you don't need to cook in all those layers of garlic and herbs and whatnot to get there.

Tuesday 17 July 2012

6 Tips for Perfect Summer Pies

I love eating a perfectly tart slice of fruit pie on a warm summer evening. If there's a scoop of vanilla ice cream with it, all the better. Fresh fruit pies are a delicious way to make use of the season's newly picked strawberries, raspberries, peaches, plums, blueberries or nectarines, but the crust needs to shine just as much as that amazing summer fruit.

Monday 16 July 2012

Cocktail of the Week: Watermelon Spritz

Central Park was about as close as I ever got to the countryside as a kid. It was there that I enjoyed my first picnics, warm summer afternoons full of delicious, messy food chief among them watermelon, which captured my imagination with its gargantuan size, its marbled rind, and its vibrant, seed-studded, sticky sweet fruit.

Sunday 15 July 2012

The World's Largest Peach Cobbler

Every year the people of Fort Valley, Georgia come together at the Georgia Peach Festival to make the World's Largest Peach Cobbler. We joined them at the courthouse parking lot at 3:00am to see just how they do it.

Saturday 14 July 2012

Shine Supper Club Cookout Secret for Best BBQ

People often ask what is secret for making the perfect BBQ meat. It's a combination of "secrets" that have been picked up over the years, and this blog will now share them with you.