Thursday, 22 December 2011

10 best diet tips we learned in 2011

High in fibre and low in fat, grapefruit is the way to get going first thing. Plus it helps lower bad cholesterol. Bonus: The ascorbic acid found in citrus fruits boosts your body's ability to absorb iron. Add some grapefruit segments to your spinach salad at lunch to reap even more energizing benefits.

The Do Diet is a monthly Chatelaine feature inspired by the frustration of living in a world of diet don'ts. Instead, the Do Diet is filled with easy dos to benefit your overall health and get you on the right track.
Here are ten important things we learned to "do" over the past year.

1. Eat breakfast to lose weight. A healthy start to the day can also lower your risk of heart disease and help you to perform better at work.

2. What you eat is tied to how well you sleep. Anyone who is deprived of it can attest to how essential sleep is to mental and physical health. Sleep can improve your memory, and a lack of it can sabotage your weight-loss goals.

3. Everyone's diet can benefit from a little spring cleaning (even in December, particularly in December!).

4. Chicken soup really can heal a cold. In fact, the right diet can help boost your immune system and keep you sniffle-free through flu season.

5. Want a gorgeous complexion? Eat carrots. In fact, load up on all the carotenoids -the antioxidant family in carrots, pumpkin, red peppers and kale - if you want glowing skin.

6. Eggs for dinner is the best way to end a stressful day. If life is hectic and you're feeling overwhelmed there is no better time to be vigilant with a healthy diet. Eating the wrong foods will only exacerbate the stress on your body.

7. You can have your cake and eat it too.

8. Not all burgers are created equal (hello ground turkey with low-fat cheese, a spoonful of tomato salsa and mashed avocado!).

9. Top your salad with cherries and fill your omelette with spinach. Certain nutrients are proven even more effective when eaten together.

10. Order curry instead of pizza and keep a stash of sunflower seeds at your desk. Some foods are proven to enhance memory, increase mental sharpness and even help ward off Alzheimer's.

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