Wednesday, 21 December 2011

5 Ways to Help Your Hangover

We’ve all done it: we’ve had one too many glasses of wine on a week night or at a work holiday party. It seemed like a good idea until the next day, when we’re left with a horrible hangover.
For some, it’s no big deal, a mild headache and an insatiable hunger for anything greasy. For others, it’s debilitating. Whichever category you fall into, here are some helpful tips on how to beat the dreaded hangover:

1. Drink a lot of Water
We get hangovers because our bodies are dehydrated, so one of the best sure-fire ways to alleviate the symptoms of a hangover is to rehydrate your body. Drinking a lot of water will help flush the alcohol out of your system. Add some lemon to your water; it’ll help soothe your stomach and adds vitamin C. Avoid water that’s extremely hot or cold — drink water at room temperature.

Water may be the key to recovering from a hangover, but it’s also your best way to prevent one. Try rotating every alcoholic drink with a glass of water, or drinking a few glasses of water before you go to bed.

2. Avoid Coffee
Even though you may feel extremely tired or groggy when you wake up, try to stay away from coffee. Caffeine will only dehydrate you more, and since it’s also a diuretic, it won’t help your stomach.

3. Rest
When you first wake up, it’s important to get some fluids into your system as quickly as possible, but after that it’s time to relax again. Rest is your best friend; it gives your body a chance to recover.

4. Fruits and Vegetables
Eating a lot of fruits and vegetables is a great way to help fight the effects of a hangover. They’re a great source of natural vitamins and also help to quench thirst. Water-rich fruits and vegetables act as food and drink, providing the mineral salts, natural sugars, amino acids and vitamins that your body will be craving the morning after. Watermelons, cucumbers, celery, grapefruit, grapes, strawberries and oranges are all great options for your morning-after meal.

5. Vitamins
One of the effects of dehydration is a depletion of natural vitamins in the body, so they need to be replenished. Getting vitamin A in your system helps to enhance and strengthen your immune system (which will help to fight your hangover). Eat eggs, fortified cereals, darkly colored orange or green vegetables and orange fruits.

Bloodshot eyes and an unbalanced nervous system come with a hangover headache. Vitamin B1 calms nerves while B2 helps with bloodshot eyes. Eat fortified breads, cereals, and pasta; meat and fish; dried beans, soy foods, and peas; and whole grains like wheat germ for a dose of vitamin B1. Eat meat, eggs, legumes (like peas and lentils), nuts, green leafy vegetables, broccoli, asparagus, and fortified cereals for a dose of vitamin B2. Vitamin D helps soothe shaky nerves. Eat egg yolks, fish oils, and fortified foods like milk and get outside for a dose of natural sunlight.

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