We hear a lot about celebrities who've lost weight super fast after a baby or worked to get in some kind of crazy good shape for a movie or event. We even hear a lot about celebs trying to lose weight and be healthier, like Jennifer Hudson on Weight Watchers, Mariah Carey on Jenny Craig, or Janet Jackson on Nutrisystem. Celeb waistlines make headlines.
But what about true fitness stars? These A-list and up-and-coming fitness experts are bound to be household names this year, if they aren't already. They've got big plans this year, and many of them are probably working out your favorite celebrities. So it's kind of like that Kevin Bacon game… does a workout with Giada DeLaurentiis' trainer in fact yield a body like Giada?
These are our picks for the Fitness Stars to Watch in 2012.
1. Holly Perkins will continue her relationship as a fitness ambassador for New Balance, a gig she is passionate about. She told us she'll be a part of announcing some of their "super cool new products" this year. She'll become CSCS certified, the most prestigious and difficult training certification to receive, offered by NSCA. Her first book is in the works, and she's co-writing with Natalie Nevins, MD, DO, MSHPE; the title is yet to be revealed. Holly's also excited about releasing a home fitness DVD program, which she calls "a collection of my best, brand new workouts… which includes an incredible nutrition plan."
2. Joel Harper will be completing two triathlons this year, in South Beach and Malibu, as a spokesmodel for Nautica. Keep your eyes open as he travels the country speaking on fitness and helping people maximize their efforts and results. Joel will also continue working with Dr. Oz through his HealthCorps charity event April 18.
3. Kathryn Budig is a talented yogi who made waves this year with her nude ads for ToeSox. She continues that partnership in 2012. Then, she's traveling to host yoga retreats; first in Maui at the Four Seasons and then in Queenstown, New Zealand with a wine tasting or skydiving option! Her new DVD Aim True Yoga just released from Gaiam. In late 2012, she'll release The Big Book of Yoga from Rodale. We're so excited about Budig's yoga teaching that our LA team will be dropping in for lessons at her Santa Monica studio.
4. Jessica Smith continues to grow her fitness brand by increasing her footprint across several media. In the fall, her first book, in partnership with Liz Neporent, will release as part of her Thin in 10 series, with a complementary DVD. She has two new DVD workouts releasing this year, The Yin Yang Fusion Workout, and the 10 Pounds DOWN: Better Body Blast. But first up for Jessica this year is a new HIIT training cardio mix and a Tabata training for weight loss program, both available from iTunes in January.
5. Tracey Mallett is kicking off the new year with her six week Booty Barre Bikini Challenge. Her Booty Barre brand will expand yet again on the international scene in Japan, Australia, Spain, Turkey, Canada and the UK, with more stand-alone studios "popping all over," she told us. She'll have a new exercise program releasing this spring called DanceFuse, which combines dance, martial arts, Pilates, and cardio. She's also working on a consumer in-home product line for both of her Tracey Mallett and Booty Barre brands. Her work continues with JAM School Program, which she described to us as "combating childhood obesity by helping over 8 million schools get active." Finally, keep your eyes open for Tracey to be speaking at ECA NYC, IDEA World Convention, and CanFit Pro Canada.
6. Dolvett Quince just returned to Biggest Loser for a second season, and while he had mass appeal amongst those fans last year, his popularity is no doubt about to explode. Very soon, he'll be launching his self-named site, Dolvett.com, where you're sure to find more fitness guidance from this chiseled pro. He'll follow that up with a multi-city tour through the US for his Pure Energy classes with the staff of his Body Sculptor, Inc. gym, based out of Atlanta. And you can look for Dolvett to appear in more of his own DVD workouts.
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